Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Breaks that Don't Feel Like Breaks

The much-anticipated Thanksgiving break has come and gone in a blur of food prep, travel, and family. Every single teacher I saw today gave me a similar reply when I asked how their break went: "It was so nice to be off, but we were so busy!" Ultimately, I am getting the sense that for most people, it was a break that didn't feel much like a break. 

Does that mean I work with heartless people who don't enjoy their first-world problems of overeating and packed schedules? Of course not. In a lot of ways, being busy over the holidays can feed our soul: after months and months of COVID restrictions, we are seeing family members face-to-face, we are welcoming new members into the fold, we are gathering to share fond memories of days gone by. 

At the same time, many of us live lives of sensory overload and demands placed on us 24/7. We are givers and helpers at home and at work. We barely unplug at night because our anxious minds are running over tomorrow's list of concerns while we toss and turn. The holiday season is magical, yet demanding. There are meals to make, gifts to buy, schedules to juggle. If we squint through pessimistic eyes, the holidays almost look like work. 

This was the first year I didn't bring any work home at all over break. You guys, I left my school laptop on my desk in my office, wished my plants well and walked out. My past 14 Thanksgiving breaks have included grading essays. Talk about a season to give thanks! 

(I did answer a panicky email from a student who was trying to get caught up in her online classes and needed some tech support. And I may have checked grades on Sunday, to see which of my students were taking advantage of the time off. But, hey! Otherwise, I walked away. Don't judge me!) 

And my break was packed -- from a trip to my aunts for a larger-than-life family dinner on Thursday, to Christmas tree hunting on Friday, to deer hunting (for Gene, at least!). My daughter's 15th birthday fell over break as well, and I planned a surprise trip to see a musical at Lancaster's Sight & Sound theatre, complete with an unexpected upgrade in our hotel room. (I know my mom had a heavenly hand in arranging the "Hershey Suite" for us!)

Oh, and Liam started the indoor soccer season, E had a sleepover, and I interviewed 3 guests for my podcast. 

Sounds like a break, right? ;)

To be completely honest, I do feel refreshed. While I didn't slow down, I challenged my brain with other pursuits and fed my soul. Real talk, though -- I struggled to get out of my warm, cozy bed this morning. I woke up with Liam's arms around me (he is quick to take Gene's spot when he's away!) and three dogs stretched across the bed. (Sure, this means I slept like a pretzel, but it's the price we parents pay for the nights we will miss when they are gone.) 

As December peeks around the corner at us, I am resolved to find the moments of peace and rest amidst the chaos. Will it be easy? Nope. Is it still worth trying? Absolutely. 

Best wishes for a meaningful holiday season to you all! 

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